Daycare Center Offering Care For School Age Children
At Sprout Early Care & Preschool, we are dedicated to giving your child a safe, educational environment during their early years. Our dedication to your child’s success doesn’t end after they start attending elementary school. We understand that it can be hard for some parents to provide the care and attention their child needs while you work to support them, which is why we offer school age care at our daycare centers in Kalamazoo and Otsego. Helping to provide school age children with a safe and educational environment when classes let out, you can count on Sprout Early Care & Preschool to provide the safe environment your child needs.
Providing an Environment Where School Age Children Can Play and Learn
School is a place where children get to learn and build friendships, and at Sprout Early Care & Preschool, we are dedicated to providing an educational, social environment after school lets out. Your child doesn’t stop learning after they leave classes for the day, which is why we work to provide them with an environment where they can continue to learn, play, and build friendships outside of school. Giving your child time to read, enjoy outdoor exercise, and even providing them with homework help to give them a clear understanding of important subjects, your school age child will be given the environment they need to thrive after school at our daycare center.
Providing Care Services that Fit Your Busy Schedule
Whether you are simply in need of childcare services to keep your child safe after school, or care during seasonal breaks and snow days, we are ready to provide our childcare services to accommodate your family’s schedule. Even offering busing services to and from local schools during the school year, we are ready to make sure that your school-age child is safe from the moment classes end to the moment that you pick them up.
Working to provide your school age child with the environment they need to continue their education safely after classes let out, when you are looking for childcare services that can help your child grow, learn, and play in a safe environment, you can trust in the daycare services offered by Sprout Early Care & Preschool. Schedule a tour at one of our daycare facilities online or contact us today to learn more about our school age care programs.